Terms & Conditions

This website is the online store (e-shop) of the company under the name KAFFETZIS MICHAIL ANDREAS, VAT: 074319994, Tax Office: ΧΑΝΤΗΙ, by the distinctive title Ms. A K, with commercial activity: TRADE – MANUFACTURE HANDMADE JEWELRY AND RELATED TYPES, RETAIL TRADE FROM SALE BUSINESSES WITH SOLIDARITY OR THROUGH INTERNET.
Company Headquarters: XANTHI
E-mail: info@msakjewelry.com
The text is regularly updated and the user is obligated to read the Terms of use of the online store, under the laws subjected to distance marketing (e-shop). Every user who uses the services is considered to consent and accept the Terms of Use as formulated.
The product prices of the online store www.msakjewelry.com, are stated in Euro (€) and all transactions are made according to the ways mentioned in the following link: Payment Methods.

All products have an integrated VAT 24%

Keeping users informed about the Terms of Use every time they make a purchase is necessary for any changes.
The company reserves the right to:
1. Renovate, upgrade, limit all merchandise in the online store.
2. Limit access to part of the e-shop or as a whole.
3. Update the appearance of the store according to season requirements as well as add the necessary insignia during the discount period.
4. Suspends the function of the online store.
5. Modifies the listings within the online store as well as to withdraw merchandise from circulation without prior notice to the user.


The content of the online store, including photographs, graphics, product descriptions and trademarks are protected by relevant Greek law legislation, European regulations and relevant international provisions.
Any attempt to copy or republish the content of the website without the consent of the company with the distinctive title of Ms. AK Jewelry is expressly prohibited. The merchandise appearance in the website is not an assignment of its license.

Interaction with other websites

The existing links within the website may transfer the user to websites or online stores that have nothing to do with or are not controlled by the company. The company with the distinctive title Ms. A K announces that it does not guarantee the content of these websites. Subsequent changes in the content and privacy policy of these websites are not a derivative of the website www.msakjewelry.com and therefore bear no responsibility.

Through the online store, connections are made to electronic sites such as Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, etc. The user may be asked to log in with his personal data in the specific links in order to complete an action (follow, like, share). This online store does not control or collect login details and passwords. Any complications that arise during these actions, the user must contact exclusively the service department of the specific networking media and notify the problem there.

Company Responsibility

The content of the online store is suitable for users of all age groups and does not contain racist, offensive or pornographic material. Every user is responsible for browsing in the online store and therefore any
action taken does not burden the company. Electronic transactions are protected by the technical department of the cooperating bank and, in addition, all the rules are observed so that the website does not carry
viruses or illegal material. For any complication that arises during the payment process, the technical department of the Bank is responsible and therefore the immediate notification of the problem is required. The
company and its associates try on a daily basis so the navigation in the online store is the best possible and at the same time to solve all the technical problems observed within the page. The company may grant the
usage of the page to a marketing company, which, however, will not be able to change the Terms of Use and will have to comply with them. The company also undertakes the communication with the customer – user without the mediation of a company providing telephone customer service. For more direct communication with the company you can use the address info@msakjewelry.com.

User Responsibility

The user must agree to the Terms of Use, Terms of Purchase and Privacy Policy. It is not allowed to use any data, image, personal data of the company for personal benefit as well as encrypted material within the
online store. It is strictly forbidden to download and publish website information without the consent of the company. Each user responsibly declares that he is capable of concluding a purchase as well as using this
online store. It is forbidden for minors to make a purchase, except with parental consent and order. Finally, the user must inform the address info@msakjewelry.com about the existence of bugs or problems during navigation for the most orderly operation of the online store.

Discounts – Promotional Actions

During the discount period, the initial price and the final price are always indicated with reference to the discount rate. The final transaction is always carried out at the final price. The use of discount codes during
the discount period is suspended. In case of product return after the product was purchased during the discount period, the return is made at the purchase price of the product. The same procedure applies also in
reverse. The discount rates vary according to the discount period and therefore the company has every right to change the percentages.
Consumers of the online store are end users of the products and any attempt to resell is prohibited. Users who are interested in wholesale purchases contact exclusively by phone (+30) 6978226439 and the address info@msakjewelry.com.